Sunday, October 17, 2010

It's Sneak Peak Time!

Lately, I have been inspired to start a little hobby. May I add that indeed this hobby is a beginners hobby and a really small one at that. Taking Baby Steps! :)

I recently took some pics of my dear friend, Angelica Carmona, here are a couple that I wanted to share. As my dear friend, Lizzy Grant would say..... "here is a sneak peak" Very Excited!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

What's new!

It's definitely been a while since I've blogged. Where have I been? Since I love to write, whether it may be journaling, blogging, writing notes down during a good message, I've come to realize that it is very therapeutic for me to do just that. So, I am not to sure why I have not been writing but I know that I should be consistent with it, especially if I like to do it.
Let's see, What's new????

Changes are a happening at the Lantz home. We are going through a series at my church called, Living Lives of Mercy and Justice. Incredible! Here are a couple of points that were discussed in our Wednesday night study:

A. We are called to give-generously
1. A lack of generosity is not just stinginess its covetousness......
2. To whom do we give
B. We are called to 'Balance' our wealth

So, just by reading this you get the glimpse of what is being taught and may I add, it's been good to hear and our prayer (Micah and I) is that we allow God's Word to continually change us to be more like Christ and to not only be hearers of His word but doers as well.

Also, we have approached our favorite season and we are excited. Micah and I have always loved this time of year....maybe because so much takes place during this season. Let's see we have a little list going on:
Of course, fall has gotten started and then we have our birthdays in November, thanksgiving, christmas and our wedding anniversary, plus we get ready to start a whole new year, and before you know it, it will be Lena's third birthday. It's fun for us! Lena is thrilled that "Merry Christmas Tree" is coming. :) That's what she calls Christmas right now. Silly girl.

Micah has been keeping busy with brewing and I am loving it. I sure do enjoy all the beers he has made. That's been fun to watch and get to taste. (FYI: I will be posting a blog about my husband's beers very soon, I personally think you will find brewing beer quite interesting.)

We are in the process of getting Lena potty trained and yet while we will be very sad to see her transition from diapers to underwears, it will be very nice not to have to buy diapers any more. Also, since my daughter has gotten back from her three week trip from Ohio, her vocabulary has increased immensely. It blows me away to see her having conversations with me. Lena is growing too fast and so I get reminded of that saying my Pastor always shared with us, "the days are long and the years are short" true!

This might be a little scattered about the things that are taking place in my life but so very thankful for God's faithfulness and the different seasons that we go through. I am very blessed to be apart of a wonderful community and looking forward to all that God is doing and will do and has done.

In Him,

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Moment by Moment and Day by Day

These past couple of months have been to me a whirl wind of emotions. So many things have come up and issues that seem to have shifted the direction I once thought I was going. When my plans get interrupted and my real motives began to surface it's kind of hard to press and go forward. Through it all, I must remind myself that "moment by moment and day by day I need to meet with the Lord". That's so easy to say but yet so hard to do sometimes.

I had a dear friend over recently and we shared our hearts and each of us had been totally blessed and encouraged by each others testimony of what the Lord was doing in our lives. Listening to my dear friend share I was brought back to the need and importance of being connected to the body. For whatever reason God has been laying that so strongly on my heart lately. I came across this paragraph in "Life Together" by Dietrich Bonhoeffer that I wanted to share:

In the Christian Community thankfulness is just what it is anywhere else in the Christian life. Only he who gives thanks for little things receives the big things. We prevent God from giving us the great spiritual gifts He has in store for us, because we do not give thanks for daily gifts. We think we dare not be satisfied with the small measure of spiritual knowledge, experience, and love that has been given to us, and that we must constantly be looking forward eagerly for the highest good. Then we deplore the fact that we lack the deep certainty, the strong faith, and the rich experience that God has given to others, and we consider this lament and pious. We pray for the big things and forget to give thanks for the ordinary, small (and yet really not small) gifts. How can God entrust great things to one who will not thankfully receive from Him the little things? If we do not give thanks daily for the Christian fellowship in which we have been placed, even where there is no great experience, no discoverable riches, but much weakness, small faith, and difficulty; if on the contrary, we only keep complaining to God that everything is so paltry and petty, so far from what we expected, then we hinder God from letting our fellowship grow according to the measure and riches which are there for us all in Jesus Christ.

This seemed to have struck me straight in my heart when I read this passage. I have caught myself forgetting to give thanks for the small things within the body of Christ and really trying to grasp hold of the big things that God may or may not have in store for me. So, if things are not going according to my standards, desires are not being met, plans are being interrupted, should I then not give thanks even when there is plenty of redirecting and shifting being done in my life that I assume shouldn't be there? Of course not! But oh how easy to do!
When I don't give thanks my heart begins to be filled with my wants and needs rather than laying my heart before the Lord, giving thanks and desiring His perfect will to be done in my life. I completely allow myself to hinder what God wants to do through me to help edify and grow with the body of Christ. I forget the BIG PICTURE! I forget that God is in control and that my steps are ordered by Him.

In saying all of this, when things may not go my way and my real motives are up front and open, it is then when I should be reaching out and asking for prayer and wisdom. I am NOT GOD! Oh how I tend to miss the mark on that one! My pride tends to get in the way and I began to work on my own strength, forgetting that's why we are connected to the body.

The simple truth: Is that we are in need of one another!

Having my friend over was so refreshing and wishing I would have done that a lot sooner than later. If so, maybe I could have taken those emotions and handled all that might have been going on a lot differently. I believe I would have responded better in so many ways if I'd have sought to be thankful rather than a complainer to God. Thankfully we are connected to a loving, gracious and understanding Father who knows our weaknesses.
Hebrews 4:15-16
For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. 16. Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in the time of need.

Just because things may not be going according to Rose's need to fret because it is God in whom my heart belongs life is in His hands and I shall walk in a manner that is pleasing to the Lord.

In Him


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Christian Community

I am reading a book called, "Life Together" The classic Exploration of Faith in Community by Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Now many of my church family have read this book last summer and just recently the Lord put this book on my heart to read. When I asked my mother in law for this book she told me, "it's going to take a while for you to read, it's so rich, you will have to take your time and soak it all in." Well, I will say she was telling me the truth. I have just started the book and I have only read the first five pages of the first chapter and I find myself not turning to the next page because it's so full of amazing insight that Bonhoeffer shares. So as I start this book, I just want to share what the Lord has laid on my heart and what He is showing me by reading this.

A little insight of Bonhoeffer: Martyred by the Gestapo near the end of World War II for plotting to assassinate Hitler, Dietrich Bonhoeffer left a legacy of writings that has become a prized testimony of faith and courage for Christians around the world.

Let him thank God on his knees and declare: It is grace, nothing but grace, that we are allowed to live in community with Christian brethren. ~Bonhoeffer
Oh, how I find this to be so true! I was never raised in church but how I remember clearly feeling lost so many times, and very helpless. Now that I am truly connected to a wonderful community, I know that it's only by God's grace that I am able to be apart of the Body of Christ. Nothing that I have done on my part but what Christ has done for me on the cross.

Being connected to a community of believers is so essential in the Christian walk. So many times we become lone rangers and allow ourselves to believe no one else in the world understands us, what we have gone through or are going through. It's especially in those times that we need each other and need to be connected. A passage I want to share from the book:

But God has put this Word into the mouth of men in order that it may be communicated to other men. When one person is struck by the Word, he speaks it to others. God has willed that we should seek and find His living Word in the witness of a brother, in the mouth of man. Therefore, the Christian needs another Christian who speaks God's Word to him. He needs him again and again when he becomes uncertain and discouraged, for by himself he cannot help himself without belying the truth. He needs his brother man as a bearer and proclaimer of the divine word of salvation. He needs his brother solely because of Jesus Christ. The Christ in his own heart is weaker than the Christ in the word of his brother; his own heart is uncertain, his brother's is sure.

Reading this passage indeed is very insightful. I find when I need some encouragement, who better than a brother or sister in Christ to pray with you and speak God's Word to you. We are in need of each other!

A quick story:
This past Sunday morning, I prepared to go to work rather than church. I actually needed to work a morning shift that day. I was helping with a play that our kiddos were going to perform that evening. On my part it totally slipped my mind to request that day off. Thankfully one of my managers helped me out and without any hassle switched my shift. So here we were, my husband and I heading out to work and missing our morning worship. Usually, if we do miss, it's because someone is sick or we are out of town and that's rare for us.
Well as I arrived to work and made my way to clock in and start my small shift, one of my coworkers looked at me and said, "Why are you sad?" to my surprise I had no idea I was giving out that kind of expression nor was I feeling sad. I looked at her and shared, I'm not sad and smiled at her.
Later on that evening I was sharing with my husband how I realized why it seemed as though I looked sad and in reality I really was sad. There was this great emptiness of knowing that I was not with my church family worshiping the triune God. Not being there at church was extremely hard for me and I know it was most certainly hard for my husband too.

The Physical presence of other Christians is a source of incomparable joy and strength to the believer. ~ Bonhoeffer Amen!

There is nothing like arriving to church and being greeted with God fearing faces of people who love you and await to acknowledge you with a hand shake or a hug and ask you "How are you doing?" or "Welcome". Especially if you have children who get excited to be heading out to church. My daughter goes crazy and is filled with excitement when I tell her "Are you ready for church?" what an overwhelming feeling for my husband and I that my daughter loves to go to church and it's not because of the building but the community. She recognizes even at her young age and knows that there is strength and joy with belonging to a community of believers.

Sharing all this, I write to say that I only give such a little glimpse of what "Life Together" is about. I would encourage you to read this book. Do it and you will be blessed. I am looking forward to sharing more as I continue on.

In Him,

Friday, April 9, 2010

(Living The Life Conference 2010) Save the date!

Angel, Mendy and I volunteered last year.

Okay Ladies,

This is just for you! I got an email reminding me about the Living the Life Conference this year.

I have had the wonderful privilege of volunteering for this amazing conference the past two years and every time I must add, the Lord always blesses. I am writing this just for you because I want to encourage you to come and enjoy this years conference.

It's a wonderful time to come and take a weekend for yourself to be encouraged and equipped for whatever may be taking place in your life. You will not regret it and you will truly be blessed! Here is the link:

Check it out! Most importantly see who our keynote speaker will be this year and our Theme for this years conference. Better yet, you can meet the Living The Life Team on the website as well.

So ladies, save the date October 1-2, 2010. You will not want to miss this!

In Him,

Friday, March 19, 2010

Chit Chatting and Fellowship is always needed!

Took time today to have lunch with some dear friends. It's always nice when you can hang out with good friends and have a good fellowship. I'd encourage you to take time, especially if you have a busy life. Choose to make this, one of your high priorities and make time for your friends.

It's always a challenge, I can totally understand but you will never know how much you can be blessed by a simple conversation about what may be taking place in someones life or just by chit chatting about a funny story that might have happened earlier that week.

I really believe it can be the simple things we do that can really go a long way. So ladies, get together as often as you can, it may not always have to be food involved (although, I am one to admit, I love to eat. LOL) but coffee time or tea time is always fun. A great little chit chat can totally redirect your mind set and somewhere in there, I promise, some type of rewarding motivation will explode. This could get you going and allow you to see you are not alone and gain a little bit of sanity. LOL

Now go and pursue that good healthy fellowship and have some girl time. You will be encouraged and blessed each time.

In Him,

Sunday, February 28, 2010

It's the small things we do that can make a difference.

Sometimes it's the small things that can make a difference in someones life. How many times do we take the time to do the little things that can impact another life? A simple smile, a gentle touch, a warm hello, a polite "how are you doing today?", a sweet thank you or going out of your way to help someone, may simply encourage or give someone that reassurance that you care.

I got home from work Saturday evening and on our table was a lime green little card addressed to me. Well, I was thrilled because it was not a bill to have to look at, rather it was a note just for me. As I turned it over, I saw it was from my dear friend Angelica Carmona. So with much more excitement I opened it to find a thank you card with a sweet note written just for me: If I may I would like to share what was said,

Dear Rose,

Thank you for your service in the nursery today. Volunteering like that just reassures me why I serve on a daily basis, and it's parents like you that make me realize that I have your support, encouragement and love.

Thank You,

Angelica Carmona

I am sharing this because it blessed me so. I was so touched that she had invested her time to tell me "a simple thank you". She had totally made my day and put a smile on my face!

Today, I had another amazing thing take place. I am getting ready to do an online bible study with Alene Snodgrass with so many other amazing ladies out there. She encouraged us to get her book "I am a Fixer Upper" to go along with the bible study. I definitely needed to get a copy and I wanted to order her book on line but it was a little to much for my budget. I emailed her and asked if I could pick up her book somewhere else, rather than ordering it online and paying those few extra dollars. She let me know that the books had not reached the shelves yet, so without hesitation, she made arrangements to meet me somewhere and to personally give me a copy of her book. Amazing! So, she met up with me at HEB Plus since I had to work and I was so touched that she not only gave me a copy of her book, she gave me a hug and chit chatted with me for a couple of minutes.

She had made my day and indeed I had a smile on my face! I was truly blessed that she was willing to meet me and give me a copy of her book.

As all this took place it really made me think and reminded me that taking the time to do the small things can make a difference.

Proverbs 3:27

27 Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, When it is in your power to do it.

In Him,

Rose M. Lantz

Thursday, February 25, 2010

O Taste and See!

Our Pastor encouraged us to be intentional and proactive about being committed this Lent.
As we have started, I've noticed this Lent Season there has been such a tug on my heart to go deeper.
Is there really such a thing as going deeper with God? Really, no need to answer that, right! I just can't help but remind myself of John 21:25
25 Now there are also many other things that Jesus did. Were every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written. I believe this to be true! Christ did so many things and there is so much to know about Him that it is only right to indeed deepen our relationship with the The Holy Father.
I wrote about this and did make a challenge in my previous blog (To know The Holy Father) To deepen our relationship with God, to not be afraid.
Today, I asked myself, "What would that look like, deepening my relationship with God?" There has definitely been one word that has been on my mind lately, the word passion. Truly if our hearts and minds were set on God, desiring to grow in our walk with God, I believe the word "Passion" would describe us.
Have you ever met someone who is so passionate for God? Oh my, I'd encourage you to be around a person who is passionate for God for a little bit and you will definitely walk away attracted to that person, engaged in them and wanting to be around them all the time. I believe people who are passionate for God desire to deepen their relationship with God.
I can honestly admit, that I've just caught myself getting complacent already in this Lenten Season and it's only Day 9. Thankfully, before I could really began to beat up myself, the Lord who is so gracious quickly reminded me of Romans 8:1
1 Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
It's not to late; instead of getting caught in the motion of things, let us be intentional and proactive daily starting our mornings with our minds on Christ.
If you have not really been giving your all, Be Encouraged! The Lord is gracious! Amen.
I pray as we set our eyes on the Lord, wholeheartedly, desiring to seek His face more, our hearts will began to open and that the deepening to know God will be on an increase.
Let us be His children who are passionate for Him and be great witnesses who share: Psalm 34:8
8 O taste and see that the Lord is good;

In Him

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Brotherly Love

Day 2 February 18, 2010

Sharing some notes from Pastor Jacks message on January 3, 2010: Perseverance in Gratitude (Hebrews 13:1-25)

One Way that is pleasing to God is to live a life of Faith or Faithfulness by pouring ourselves into building up a STRONG COMMUNITY BASE. (BUILDING UP THE CHURCH BY BROTHERLY LOVE)

In my walk with Christ, I am learning daily how much we are in need of each other. We are not called to be lone rangers, unfortunately, I know many Christians that carry on this "Me and Jesus Mentality" and I can admit to being one of those Christians at one point. In the ancient world, the strongest relationship was considered to be siblings. Have you ever had someone call you Brother or Sister So and So? I remember going to a church where everyone addressed each other by saying just that and of course, I was called Sister Rose. I always thought that was a little cheesy but being apart of The Body we are indeed considered a brother or sister in Christ to one another.

I have a friend and her name is Angelica Carmona, almost all the time we get someone asking us if we are sisters. We can't help but laugh, we are two short Mexicans, with black hair and at the time both of us owned black glasses. For a minute we would go on and explain that we are good friends but now I think it's to a point where we just say yes. We look at it this way, we are Sisters in Christ and adopted as His Children with the same Abba Father.

Today Micah and I had lunch with one of our brothers in Christ and was greatly encouraged. I share this because it was definitely needed! It was very refreshing and it was good to know that we were not alone. We had a time to listen and uplift one another.
During this Season of Lent as you take aside some quiet time be sure to also gather with your brothers and sisters in Christ and encourage one another with fellowship and prayer.

Romans 12:10-13
10 be devoted to one another in brotherly love; give preference to one another in honor; 11 not lagging behind in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord; 12 rejoicing in hope, persevering in tribulation, devoted to prayer, 13 contributing to the needs of the saints, practicing hospitality.

In Him,

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

To know the Holy Father!

Day 1 (February 17, 2010)

May we remember through these next fourty days, What Christ accomplished on the Cross. Pastor Dave reminds us just about every Sunday that "The Cross of Christ reminds me that I am more sinful then I can possibly imagine and yet I am more loved then I could ever dream." This is a great time to set aside quiet time and corporate time of "Seeking God's Face". A wonderful season for repentance, reflection and self-examination.
Here is a story I want to share that took place with one of our young girls from Children's Church:
I have been helping with our Children's Ministry and I am overwhelmed with excitement to hang out with the kiddos and to share the Goodnews with them. We are actually preparing a play in a couple of months for our congregation with other exciting details involved. So last week, I was asked to take the young girls up to the Pastor's office to practice their lines. We only had a few girls but the Pastor's daughter was one of them and of course, with a delightful attitude, she led us on the way to her father's office. As we walked in her daddy's office, she with a huge smiled offered one of the girls her father's chair. I would say it was "The Chair" behind his desk. This particular girl did not have any lines to memorize so without hesitation, "Julia Claire" (Dave's daughter) shared with her, "Avery, you can sit in my father's chair, he will not mind!" I was very impressed on how she offered "The main seat" to her friend. I thought it was very kind of her and was intrigued by her generosity towards us as we were in her daddy's office. After practicing lines, she showed us some things around her dad's office, (mainly pictures) and you could see how proud and how much she loved her dad.
She did not fear that she was in her dad's office, however, there was great reverence for her dad and being in his office. I am reminded thinking back on this, just as she loves her dad dearly and so we as His children should and thankfully do have that great opportunity to Know Our Holy Father and be reminded that "He first loved us!" 1 John 4:19 And because He first loved us, we have great access through Christ to be the same way with our Heavenly Father.
So as we go through this Lent Season, may we draw closer to God with great confidence and come to know more of our Holy God. Let us not be afraid to deepen our relationship with God but rather desire more of Him and less of us!

In Him,
Rose M. Lantz

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Ash Wednesday

Tomorrow Morning I will be attending our Ash Wednesday Service at 7 am at City Church. I am looking forward and excited as my family will be participating in this Lent Season. In all honesty, I am thrilled, yet a bit nervous to see the Lord at work. Thrilled to see all that He will do through the Body and no doubt, nervous as He will definitely not let me go without a thorough self examination. Pastor Dave from City Church has been preparing us for a while since the new year started and definitely has encouraged us to get involved this Lent Season. As I have been preparing myself to go through this Lent Season, I have already been seeing the Lord on the move. I wanted to share this note I got out of our bulletin at City Church:

Using the historical church calender as a helpful tool to help us focus on the life and ministry of Jesus Christ, we are gathering for worship on the day of the year, commonly known as Ash Wednesday. A day to begin the Lenten season and to prepare our full, anxious, and often bruised hearts and minds for the Easter celebration in seven weeks of the resurrection of Christ.
Why are we acknowledging Ash Wednesday and Lent as a congregation?
The Vast part of our culture acknowledges Easter and Christmas, and in so doing, acknowledges the church calender. Lent, which means "springtime"is the season most-often trivialized. Consequently, many churches do not observe the season. There have been, however, two good reasons suggested for keeping this tradition.
First, this is a wise tradition. God, as revealed in history, has always told His people, both ancient Israel and His modern followers, that the totality of their lives should be characterized by repentance, a word used all through the ancient Scriptures. (Often as a sign of repentance, a person would apply ashes to their body; thus-Ash Wednesday). This word repentance, means to change in our attitudes, words, and lifestyles-something for which all of us recognize our need if we are honest with ourselves.
We acknowledge that this humble and acknowledged need for change is often not visible among us today. All the more reason to set aside times for a particular focus on our need for change, the grace God extends to us, and His provision to make it happen.
Second, we think it is profitable to us to honor the traditional wisdom that has preceded us for centuries in those who have earnestly sought such personal change for the honor of God.
Simply put, we acknowledge we are needy and that our hearts desires are often bent out of shape, so just as a baseball player may work at staying in shape year round but still give special attention to conditioning before spring training (the word, Lent, means "spring") so we may find great benefits in setting aside a few weeks to give special attention to the state of our souls.

Here is another article found in our bulletin: I would encourage you to keep reading.
To Take Up The Cross by Dr. Steve Harmon
In Central Texas, where I grew up, Catholic friends came to school with ash smudges on their foreheads, ate a lot of fish, gave up various pleasures for a time, and went to extra church services. My Baptist friends and I did not. We wrongly considered this evidence that Catholics believed they had to do these things to be saved. We believed we were saved by grace and therefore didn't have to do any of that.
In seminary, I discovered the Christian year and decided to lead my congregation to take up its observance. Advent went all right; four Sundays of anticipating Christmas didn't seem like a such a bag thing.
With Epiphany approaching, I gave an overview of the history and significance of all the seasons in the Christian year. My church members looked at me, as the expression went, "like a calf looking at a new gate."
All Christian congregations observe some sort of calender in their many expect certain days and seasons of the year to be recognized in worship services. If Christians already observe a calender without worrying that such observances are unbiblical and hinder congregational freedom, and if they have already granted pride of place in this calender.....for Christmas and Easter, then they can observe the Christian year, including Lent.
Without the observance of Lent, and Holy Week in particular, Easter Sunday fails to keep in proper balance the Cross and the Resurrection as the two main New Testament paradigms for the Christian life. Christians not only can but should observe Lent, because it will help them take up the cross and follow Christ in the midst of suffering world.
~Steven Harmon, author of Ecumenism Means You, Too and professor of divinity at Beeson Divinity School.

Daily Prayer starts tomorrow from 12-1pm @ City Church, Monday-Friday. If you desire more prayer time during this season of Lent come by and join us for prayer.

In Him
Rose M. Lantz

Saturday, January 30, 2010

I have decided to blog...I am just getting started. There is a lot for me to learn but I am excited to share more about the messages I hear on Sundays as well as what might be taking place in my life around me. I hope you follow along side me. I am sure my blogs will be changing the more I learn about it. I definitely wanted to get a note of words out and about for you to read. I have been blessed to read so many others that take the time to share and blog what has been taking place in their lives. So keep in touch and I plan on getting a good blog out this coming week. God bless!

In Him,
Rose M. Lantz