Friday, May 18, 2012

My growing girls

I am being reminded the importance of praying for your children always. Never stop praying for your children. God hears your prayers and is always at work.

The girls keeping us busy.

Lena climbing all by herself! Way to go Lena!

My sweet Lena. She is full of energy and keeps us going but God is graciously giving us the grace that is needed for this one. God is definitely at work with this one.

My Mother's Day card from Lena (5/13/12). This truly made my day. She worked so hard with grandma Lantz and did so well. I also loved how she had to put Dora on the card. LOL. That's my girl, she loves her some Dora.

Lena and Sophia!
Introducing the highchair to Sophia.

She's adjusting quite well. She is definitely taking to baby food well.

This is how I found her sleeping. Growing so fast.

Lena and Sophia have been spending lots of time on the floor. Getting Sophia used to it. She is making quite the progress with the help of her older sister.

Sophia 6 months old!

There is so much cuteness in our little home. Thank you God for such precious little treasures.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Embracing those moments with Lena and Sophia

Sometimes as parents we get so caught up with life that we forget to take time and embrace those moments. Sat with Sophia today and held her just a bit longer than I normally do. I usually feed her and then immediately take her to the crib but today I cuddled with her and simply embraced the moment. I took a deep breath and held her tight and felt her move around to get comfortable in my arms.
When they are newborns we want so bad for them to sleep through the night because we are so sleep deprived but before we know it, they will turn a year old on you. Then you will wonder what happened to the time. So glad I held her a bit longer because I felt such a calming peace about life and all that the Lord has given my husband and I and it was just a great reminder.
The days are long but the years are short......

Fun pics of my family!

Daddy and Sophia! She didn't want to go to bed and kept crying in the crib until I got her and gave her to daddy and she was all smiles.
Lena doing what she does best. Being silly! She was growling at me. LOL
What a sweet face!

She wanted me to take pics of her hair all nappy. She was very proud of her poofy and nappy hair. LOL!

Sophia 5 months and she couldn't get enough of her toes.

What a sweet face!
Lena can definitely be a hand full but she's so sweet alseep. Things are lot more quiet around my little abode when she's asleep. :)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Easter Weekend 2012

What a great and fun filled weekend! It was Sophia's first Easter and the Lord really blessed!
*Attended a footwash on Thursday with our church. (Maundy Thursday) We had a delightful meal with church family prior to the footwash and then later gathered at the church. Witnessed the Lord on the move! Amen.
*Attended our Good Friday Service on Friday and was reminded why it's Oh so good! Thank You Lord for giving your only Son to die a death that we should have died. You sent your Son in our place and He bore our sins on the cross so that we may have a right relationship with you. Your Son is the perfect sacrifice! Amen.
*Attended Fellowship of Oso Creek's Easter Festival and had a blast! Pics below! Later got to hang out with dear friends, The Carmona Family.
*Yes, on Sunday went to City Church and celebrated our Risen Lord. Thank You Lord that the grave couldn't hold you! I remember clearly Pastor Dave talk about Peter....Peter ran.......
Could it be.....
Later went to Isabella's church and Lena did an easter egg hunt with her and then won a bike in a raffel. How awesome is that!
*Last, I decided to take some pics of the girls because I didn't get any easter pics of the girls.

While lena was waiting to pet some animals, she met a friend (didn't get his name) but they decided to hold hands while waiting. It was adorable! Now, I'm not to sure how Micah would've handled that because he wasn't there but neither one seemed to be bothered by it. LOL

Easter Extravaganza with her friend, Isabella!

Lena and Isabella!

Pics of the girls to remember for Easter 2012!!!