Monday, March 7, 2011

Simply Delightful!

What a BEAUTIFUL DAY today! We decided to have a picnic at a near by park and before you knew it, the wind began to pick up. So we improvised and had our picnic inside on our living room floor. It was a lot of fun especially for Lena!

Our indoorsie picnic is what we called it! It really is the simple things in life that can go a long way! So glad we took time to do this.... Lena was ecstatic to be sitting on the floor and enjoying something quite different.

Love this facial expression of Lena! She enjoyed her sandwich and so did I. :)

Explaining herself away!

Lena telling me what we ate at our picnic.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A gracious reminder!

Even in the midst of a chaotic morning, the Lord, who is so gracious met me, in spite of all the chaos. I had one of those mornings where I wanted to scream, pull my hair out and just run, far, far, far away. YIKES! Well, I was quite overwhelmed with my to do list and when being pulled in every direction, it kind of makes you become a tad bit crazy. Can anyone relate??
After preparing dinner, making sure lunch was packed for work for my hubby, feeding lena lunch, picking up the living room, and so forth.... ...... ...... I walked into my daughter's room about to go insane. My daughter's room was turned upside down. It was an absolute mess! Feeling extremely overwhelmed, I began to pick up her toys one by one. As I knelt down on my knees, I leaned across her bed to gather some toys and before you knew it, I realized I was positioned as if I had kneeled to pray.
At that point, it was brought to my attention, I could pass this up and continue in my nasty attitude cleaning her room but rather I found myself calling out to the Lord. ( I LOVE those moments to where God is faithful towards his children and felt like he had something to say to me and he did.)
As I started off with such a grumpy attitude there was indeed a time of confession and repentance. Of course, I could feel the Lord extend his grace towards me. With a sigh of relief the Lord gave me of a couple of scriptures to meditate on:

Job 37:14 KJV
Hearken unto this, O Job:
stand still, and consider the wonderous works of God.

Felt the Lord telling me
Listen O Rose my precious daughter,
Give ear O Rose,
Pay attention O Rose,
Consider with full attention,
the Marvelous works
the Amazing works of God.

Reminded me to stand still and to not let things take me out of walking in a manner that is pleasing to God but to set my mind on His wonderous works and all that He has done for us.

Psalms: 37:23-24
The steps of a man are established by the Lord,
And He delights in his way
When he falls, he will not be hurled headlong.
Because the Lord is the One who holds his hand.

The Lord knew I was on a breaking point and in spite of myself, he was faithful and met me where I was at.

Reminded me that I shouldn't forget to kneel down sometimes and seek the Lord. He delights to meet with me and You!

Now listen, I know that this might be a little petty to some but for me it was a good reminder,
No matter what you may be going through the Lord loves you and desires for us to meet with Him. There is no doubt He wants to meet with you daily. I do tend to forget that.

So be encouraged my dear sisters in Christ!

In Him,