Friday, March 19, 2010

Chit Chatting and Fellowship is always needed!

Took time today to have lunch with some dear friends. It's always nice when you can hang out with good friends and have a good fellowship. I'd encourage you to take time, especially if you have a busy life. Choose to make this, one of your high priorities and make time for your friends.

It's always a challenge, I can totally understand but you will never know how much you can be blessed by a simple conversation about what may be taking place in someones life or just by chit chatting about a funny story that might have happened earlier that week.

I really believe it can be the simple things we do that can really go a long way. So ladies, get together as often as you can, it may not always have to be food involved (although, I am one to admit, I love to eat. LOL) but coffee time or tea time is always fun. A great little chit chat can totally redirect your mind set and somewhere in there, I promise, some type of rewarding motivation will explode. This could get you going and allow you to see you are not alone and gain a little bit of sanity. LOL

Now go and pursue that good healthy fellowship and have some girl time. You will be encouraged and blessed each time.

In Him,